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Avalon Biomed NeoSealer Flo (2.2 gm) (with 20 Flex Flo Tips)

NeoSEALER® Flo is a bioactive bioceramic root canal sealer with superior handling properties, promoting hydroxyapatite formation to support the healing process. Unlike conventional sealers, NeoSEALER Flo is biocompatible, antimicrobial1, dimensionally stable and RESIN-FREE.

Dental Advisor 2022 Top Award • Endodontic Sealer • NeoSEALER® Flo is a hit!


NeoSEALER Flo is packaged with our exclusive Flex Flo Tips™ to minimize product waste by 81% at no additional cost.






Obturation and sealing of root canals.


Features & Benefits


Formulated With More Bioactive Cement Than Original Bioceramic Sealer2

NeoSEALER Flo is thoughtfully designed to promote setting and maximize bioactivity.

Promotes the formation of hydroxyapatite on the surface to seal and support healing through the release of calcium and hydroxide ions.

Biocompatible, non-cytotoxic, non-genotoxic, initially high in pH (alkaline/basic), which has shown to be antimicrobial in-vitro1.

Optimized for both warm vertical and single cone obturation techniques

Streamline your inventory with one product suitable for both warm vertical and single cone obturation techniques for maximum efficiency and savings.



Resin-free for maximum bioactivity and biocompatibility.



Won’t discolor teeth – EVER. NaOCI won’t cause discoloration.


Dimensionally stable

Unlike resin-based sealers, NeoSEALER Flo is dimensionally stable.


High pH

Initially high in pH (alkaline/basic), which has shown to be antimicrobial in-vitro1.



1NeoSEALER Flo is initially high in pH (alkaline/basic) when applied. Literature has shown such products to be antimicrobial in-vitro.
The anti-microbial effect against enterococcus faecalis and the compressive strength of two types of mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with sterile water or 2% chlorhexidine liquid.
Holt DM, Watts JD, Beeson TJ, Kirkpatrick TC, Rutledge RE. J Endod. 2007 Jul;33(7):844-7.

2 NeoSEALER Flo contains 6% more bioactive cement by weight compared to EndoSequence BC Sealer (in-house data obtained through XRD analysis)




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